Intraoral  Press | orthodontic fiction and non-fiction
Intraoral  Press | orthodontic fiction and non-fiction

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    Millions of children, teens and adults have some sort of braces at this very moment, and tens of millions have undergone orthodontic treatment, but only rarely is this very common rite of passage examined in books, film or on TV. Characters in works of contemporary fiction occasionally have braces but few authors explore what that really means.
    When I was teenager with braces I was disappointed that no one wrote about all the things that I was going through. Having braces was a significant part of my life during those years, and with two daughters approaching braces age I got to thinking more about them again. With Intraoral Press I want to make books available that deal with the orthodontic experience in its entirety, from the small pains to the big gains.
    Intraoral Press books are for readers who want to relive their braced years, for parents whose children are or will be undergoing orthodontic treatment, and for anyone interested in what it means to have braces. These novels and stories shouldn't be relied on as accurate accounts of what orthodontic treatment involves — that's what your orthodontist is for ! They are fiction and fantasy, because I believe that in exaggeration and in letting their imaginations run wild readers will find an outlet for their fears, worries and embarrassment about braces. I hope these books offer both escape and comfort.

    Many orthodontic patients are very young, but the first Intraoral Press books are intended for maturer audiences (12+). Parents are advised to read our book descriptions carefully, as some titles may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
    Hopefully Intraoral Press will be able to add books for younger readers in the future.

Catherine Aimes
Founder, Intraoral Press

    Our orthodontic fiction is solely meant as entertainment, not information that patients or their parents should rely on. Always consult a dentist or orthodontist about any questions about orthodontic treatment.

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